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Before purchasing your wetsuit please consider the following factors: To keep warm and cosy the first aspect to bear in mind is the climate where you want to surf. In the following table you can read our suggestions on what thickness would be best to use in which temperature. In addition to the water temperature you should also consider the following:



- air temperature

- windspeed

- your own sensitivity to getting cold

- your activity in the water

The perfect fit of your wetsuit

There is nothing worse than a badly fitting wetsuit. The results can either be that you will get really cold or that you can't move properly.

Your suit should fit like a second skin without squeezing or sagging.

It is also important that it fits snugly around the neck or water will constantly enter your suit and make you cold.

After you get into your suit (please see our handy guide below):


- there should be no extra space in the torso, crotch, shoulders or knees.

- lift your arms above your head and stretch out. You should feel a slight restriction. If you feel a lot of pressure the suit is too small.

- you should be able to squat down and move your arms easily.


Please remember: the thicker the suit the less movement you will have in it.

How to put on a wetsuit

This can be fairly difficult, especially if the suit is dry. Follow these steps to make it as easy as possible:


First comes the legs - one at a time pull them over your feet and work upwards. Be careful that the fabric doesn't show wrinkles around the back of the knees.


Now work your way up to the waist until the crotch is where it should be, and ensure that the legs aren't twisted.


When working your way further up your torso take care to not dig your fingernails into the sensitive glideskin as you could easily damage it (best to use your fingertips or grip into the neoprene).


Now to the arms - again one at a time. Make sure that the end of the sleeve doesn't cover your hand but sits right up to your wrist. Pull the sleeve up over your shoulder (it can help stretching the arm and wiggling into the sleeve).


Once both arms are in the sleeves and everything else fits well pull the neck part from the back over your head and close it at front with the zipper. You can adjust the tightness as needed by adjusting the elastic at the side.

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